Movies with main characters who have OCD

It depends on the OCD type, but usually, I can spot some topical OCD patterns after watching and talking with them. Of course, many other mental diagnoses resemble OCD, and I am not sure that I’m giving the correct diagnosis to the specific individual in my head.

People with narcissistic disorder should be treated the same way as other disorders. By definition, it is still a mental disorder, and so many people have it. I have recently been getting sick of some entitled, self-centered individuals at my workplace.

I am not sure that those people change. They probably improve with treatment, but they are usually so in love with themselves that they will never confess that they have a disorder. I will check some information online about those cases because I got curious now.

Yeah, psychopathic - narcissistic - bipolar epidemic :joy:. I just hope that the people in my social circle don’t change because I will freak out.

How do you explain those increasing mental problem tendencies among people? There are many factors, but the world is supposed to be improving along with technology. However, it seems like the more advanced the artificial intelligence becomes, the weaker the average person gets.

All companies and apps use multiple tactics to catch our attention to stay and spend more on their business. That way, we think about various things, and our brain uses dopamine in an unhealthy way. This leads to unbalanced brain chemistry and increased mood swings, anxiety, and consequently disorders.

The best movie about OCD is “As good as it gets”

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I watched this one a long time ago, I think. It was pretty hilarious, if I am not mistaken about the titles. Also, welcome to the community Claudette :purple_heart:

I was positively surprised by the movie “Dirty filthy love.” The main character has Tourette syndrome and OCD, making his life a nightmare. I hear a lot about Tourette syndrome, too, which does not turn out to be a cool diagnosis.

I am glad to see you finally watched one of my recommended movies. Tourette syndrome is annoying because it’s evident to others and can significantly impact one’s self-esteem. Combined with OCD, it is a total nightmare, as you mentioned.

I found it funny to check out cartoon characters with OCD. 14 Cartoon Characters That Actually Suffer From Mental Disorders
According to this article, Ariel is classified as a cartoon character with compulsive hoarding. I have never watched that specific cartoon, but it would be interesting for kids with OCD to have their cartoon characters with OCD too.

That’s absolutely true. I haven’t personally met someone with both conditions. What about you? Do you know somebody with OCD and some other disorder simultaneously, and how do you perceive them?

I have a few acquaintances with OCD and other mental disorders too. They all look somewhat unique and different from the others when they don’t try to hide their conditions much. I enjoy their company because I perceive them as more colorful.

What about the other people around you? How do they perceive those individuals? From my experience, very few people from those who are “normal” really try to appreciate those who are a little different from them.

It’s a mixed bag, to be honest. Some people pretend they are super open-minded and acceptable to everyone, and I try to believe them. Others prefer not to speak much about what they think, so I can’t guess, but I believe it’s easier to be just average.

Average can’t be exceptional, so let’s assume we have a lot of potential. In terms of the others, I don’t mind if someone doesn’t like me as long as I am treated respectfully. If that’s not the case, I can get furious.

You are another level beast, brother :smiley: I believe most of us should be protective of ourselves, so I support you here. By the way, yesterday, I watched a bizarre movie on Netflix about DID called Split. The person had 23 personalities and afterward turned into a beast, his 24th personality. I liked the end, so I always recommend movies whose end makes sense.

The movie sounds interesting, and I might consider watching it with someone. I can also agree with you that what ends well is typically worth watching. I don’t watch movies much anymore because I often get irritated when they end up stupidly.

I just learned that Split is part of a trilogy consisting of Unbreakable, Split, and Glass movies. I think they are worth watching, so I will watch the other two this weekend. I am super enthusiastic about the third movie called, Glass.

Did you like the trilogy, then? I am not watching it before I hear your opinion. :sweat_smile: