OCD and Violent Thoughts 

You turned into a practical lady. I get it. However, I still believe you need to do things that are just for you and bring you joy without expecting a specific outcome that can benefit you or those around you.

I get it, and you are right to comment on this matter. Sometimes I feel that the practicality suffocates me. Live should be enjoyed on certain occasions, and I should be more spontaneous.

Spontaneity leads to violence sometimes. :sweat_smile: I couldn’t come up with something more stupid today. Of course, you should try to enjoy life more, and increase your happiness levels.

You made me laugh but then I thought about it, and it sometimes seems true. It’s not appropriate to be spontaneous on all occasions, but the lack of it makes life dull for sure.

Yeah, I thought about it more, and maybe I said a grain of truth. There should be a balance in terms of spontaneity and following our plans.

I wonder if you often experience mood swings which lead to spontaneity as it is with me. It seems like other females with OCD I talked to do not have such frequent mood swings.

I sometimes do, but I guess it’s not as often as you do. Mine are usually before the start of my period and sometimes around the full moon, though, for the second, I am not entirely sure that it’s the sole reason.

I typically have intense mood swings around those times, also. The moon and the planets affect some people’s moods and decisions, but I am not entirely sure in what way as I don’t know much about it.

I don’t know much about the topic either, but I know that the effect is real, so I take the needed measures to keep myself calmer during those periods. With a bit of planning, you will see a difference also.

I believe you because I know we are not the only ones who feel similarly during specific periods. I noticed that in my friend’s and colleagues’ moods, and I will do more planning from now on. I want to be on top of my game.

You go, girl. You will surely be the best when you know how to handle your weaknesses and issues. The same goes for everyone else.

Easy to say and set as a New Year’s resolution, but bloody hard to do. I am not giving up yet, though. Did you set any specific new years resolution plans related to your mental health?

I think It’s important to be kind to yourself and understand that it’s ok to stumble or encounter obstacles along the way. Otherwise, I am all about starting small and setting realistic goals this year. I plan to practice self-care, talk to a therapist, and try new forms of stress relief.

Starting small and setting realistic goals can help make the journey more manageable and less overwhelming. Your goal sounds like a reasonable way to heal and support your emotional well-being.

I hope I can fix every issue I have this year. I won’t make compromises with anything and will spend the needed time and effort to achieve my goals. I want to be the star of the community next year :star_struck:

Haha, that’s what we call enthusiasm. I will try to join you and be more productive in all areas of my life. I am totally convinced that we can change every aspect of our character and disorders if we want it hard enough.

I don’t want to hear “try” but “will.” I have seen many examples of people who have it harder in life but achieve way more than the average person.

Alright, I will :slight_smile: Of course many people have it harder than us. Indeed, we are quite privileged even to have an internet connection and access to all modern facilities. I will strive to do better.

You summed it all up. We should have no excuse for the misery in our lives but instead, act smarter and be more grateful.

Yup, and gratefulness will bring more peace into our ocd disturbed souls.

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