What is the opposite of OCD?

Accepting negative thoughts and sometimes feelings is a crucial step toward overcoming them. It’s pretty remarkable that most people claim they are learning to be more patient. It looks like OCD teaches essential life skills.

Actually, nowadays most people are impatient regardless of OCD. I think that it has something to do with the advancement of things that lead to a good quality life where no one wants to wait for anything.

I see that also, but most parents still try to teach their kids some discipline. Also, most schools and institutions contribute to making us part of the system, including being patient to some extent.

In school, some teachers overuse their power and make the students want nothing but to be free and do what they want. Instead, I would rely on an adequate upbringing which if some parents do right, there is hope.

Almost anyone can relate to a teacher they had that overused its powers negatively. There are some great teachers out there, but the bad ones are a high percentage also, unfortunately.

I can’t agree more here. I have had some bad experiences, and I wish I could have complained about them at the time. After a few such complaints, I guess some teachers can get a penalty for their behavior.

Most likely, they would have gotten a warning or something. But enough about that - we should not bring old negative memories into the present. We all have such memories, and the best we can do is to learn from them.

I am looking for a lesson to learn from situations I or someone else has been treated unfairly and simply can’t find anything. Expect the fact that we should be forgiving and understand that we also act in an irrational manner, there is nothing better I can find.

In most cases, both parties usually do something wrong, but it is not necessarily the truth. If you keep using the same principles for good and bad behavior according to your beliefs, you will treat people as you think they deserve it.

What if I treat people according to how I feel toward them? I think that is the primary way others treat those around them. Very few individuals stay rational and evaluate matters.

It is important to remember that treating people based on how you feel toward them can be harmful and unfair. People’s actions and behavior can change, and evaluating each situation objectively and rationally is essential.

Very few doesn’t mean that you can not be one of them. From my experience, every time I try to be extra careful in treating others despite my negative emotions, I always thank myself for doing that.

Alright, friends, maybe you both have a right. However, I usually do not appear rude by following my heart. Of course, I can always give it a second thought, but staying true to myself is more important.

You can always follow your heart and be careful with your words and actions. But I am not here to teach you how to react, just giving helpful advice. You can take it or leave it.

Of course, and I appreciate it. Being more peaceful always helps. I hope that everyone else is fine here and handles their problems adequately.

I don’t know, but I hope so. Maybe we can make a poll and ask people who participate in discussions and visitors as well.

Alright. Here i made some questions. I hope people answer honestly about how they fix their problems

  • I fix my problems on my own
  • I like to get assistance from those I trust
  • My therapist helps me a lot
  • I struggle all the time and nothing helps me

0 voters

I think it could be easier if it were a separate topic cause more people would see it. :joy: Anyway, I gave my votes :yum: I like to rely on myself and, occasionally, professionals.

I rely on myself, but sometimes nothing really helps, and I don’t want a second opinion, so I suffer myself. :joy: If this is called a problem solution, then my vote also counts.

Partly yes. You usually solve problems yourself, and when you feel challenged, you suffer silently without seeking help. I believe you wish this weren’t entirely the case.