Which professions are suitable for symmetry OCD?

I am about to graduate and continue to study after my gap year. However, I have one big issue – my symmetry OCD. I wonder if someone here has the same type and suggest me suitable degrees for that type. I am primarily interested in technology and/or business studies. Thank you in advance, and have a good day :blush:

I would say some more structured and analytical professions, like being an accountant, research assistant, data analyst, etc., might be a good fit for you. However, consider consulting with a career expert, as even though you have OCD, you might have other specific character traits that might find those jobs boring.

I am not sure what I want yet, and it feels frustrating seeing my peers know what they want to study. However, I like the idea of consulting a career expert. I know they do some tests that help identify my strong and weak character traits.

I can only suggest not going into something if you are not sure it is what you really want. Changing degrees is not cool; I hope you don’t experience that. Better to take your time until you know where you want to go and how to get there.

Many thanks for the advice, William. It sounds sensible and practical. I don’t want to be in a situation where I have to change my degree. I will do my best to prevent that.

I am glad that my advice was helpful to you. Remember to take it slow and not allow yourself to get influenced by trends or peer pressure.

I will keep this in mind. Do you have an idea if a more practical or analytical educational structure will fit someone like me?

I would say both. In general, practical lessons and theory are essential for a good educational program. When one of those educational approaches is not significantly more than the other, you will have a good time.

Interesting perspective. I appreciate your advice because I want to do everything right the first time and not let OCD hinder my life in any way.

Well, the truth is that you might have some struggles with OCD, so it’s good to be realistic about it. But there are many ways you can limit those struggles if you learn how to thrive despite the condition being part of you.

I do have struggles with OCD, and it can be overwhelming at times. Unfortunately, getting caught up in negative thoughts and compulsive behaviors is easy, and it can be hard to see a way out. Ultimately, I need to be realistic about my condition and not give up hope as most people suggest me to do.

Reaching out to friends and loved ones for support and focusing on positive aspects of your life will help you in similar situations. I know for sure that it helps me and many others with OCD.

I don’t have many friends, but my family has always supported me and each other. I am a happy person in that aspect. The only problem right now is a slight confusion that I still can’t get off my brain. But I hope that will pass too with time.

That’s even better :slight_smile: And once again, do not worry about your future professional plans. Take your time and explore what makes you happy to do.

I will do my best to follow your suggestion, William. It is cool when there are so many friendly people online :slight_smile:

Sounds great. There are many friendly individuals everywhere. Just be open to communicating with others and be a pleasant person to be around.

I will do so :slight_smile: I love when people have meaningful conversations, and there is no judgment.

No reason for judgment when people are asking for advice or help. We can only help with our experience here and no one should be afraid to ask what disturbs them :slight_smile:

That’s very true. However, people like to judge no matter what, and I don’t get it when no one is perfect. Instead, we should help each other or at least not do any harm with our words.

Judging from my experience, people like to portray their insecurities to others. The more insecure someone is, the more they judge others. I have done it myself before, too, and there is no doubt about it.