Mental health and how heat affects it

It’s a good idea indeed. I want to go to a couple of places around my area. Do you know what kind of places is most relaxing to visit? I wouldn’t say I like going to new museums or sites like these because they seem too dull, but overcrowded places are also not to my taste.

It depends on what it is in your area. Maybe go for a massage or spa if you have one nearby. Or some group exercise sessions like Kangoo jump. I used to enjoy it a lot when I was a little younger.

I found a drawing group for adults and started going every week. It feels like I am still that inspired teenager again. I also became way calmer and less anxious.

It’s great to hear that the drawing group has positively impacted your mental health and helped you rediscover a passion. Indeed, engaging in creative activities can be a valuable tool for managing anxiety and reducing stress.

I think that everyone with anxiety, depression, or another mental difficulty should do something creative according to their interest. That’s the best medicine. I swear by it.

That’s precisely correct. I am irritated that people often search for a magic pill while complaining instead of looking inside themselves and finding something that makes them happy. That’s the best therapy.

Maybe it’s because we perceive the negative things in life more emotionally and remember them longer than the positive. Also, most people, including myself some time ago, are waiting for someone or something to make them happy instead of taking action themselves.

Yes, and I just answered another comment of yours that knowing how to switch to the correct mode helps overcome anything negative. However, it takes practice and sometimes more time while we mature more.

It’s like I subconsciously know how to do what’s good for me, but I am too distracted daily and can’t hear my inner voice anymore. It takes a couple of days somewhere in a cabin nature to start feeling what I need to do for myself.

It can be challenging to listen to our inner voice when the distractions and demands of daily life constantly bombard us. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life by spending time in nature can be a great way to reconnect with yourself and tune back into what you need. However, finding ways to bring that sense of clarity and inner knowing back into your daily life is also essential. This might involve setting aside some time each day for quiet reflection or meditation or finding a way to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine.

I struggle with finding time for reflection. Also, it’s not just the time for it, but I somehow fear the reflection process. I fear that I will find that I haven’t done enough …

When you have specific fears, it’s better to face them. Like right away, no delay with that. Fears will only slow you down and hinder your progress in everything, especially in preserving your mental health.

I perfectly know that already and have been extremely upset the last few years for freezing instead of acting and facing my fears. Hopefully, I am no longer in the same situation.

I think you realized it now and maybe identified the main ways to fix it. If not, feel free to talk about it also. Perhaps I can help.

Here is a good paper about how to overcome freezing response. Why uncertainty freezes you up, and what to do about it.
Unfortunately, I put the wrong link at first, so you might have opened something else initially.

Oh, thank you so much for the link. I indeed needed to read something on this topic but didn’t think about it myself initially. I love your kind attitude :heartpulse:

I hope you took good use of the information and you know you are always welcome. :hugs:

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