OCD Guilt

It could be better if my family let me stay at home during our holiday instead of spending it on the road. Otherwise, it is definitely the period of you getting used to coping by yourself. I am sure you will overcome it quickly.

It would help if you tried to appreciate how being on the road clears your mind. Maybe I should consider it for myself because I don’t feel at the right place where I am at the moment. Actualy I think being on the road helps with OCD too.

Well, traveling overall is calming and makes you more peaceful. However, I am not so young anymore, and even though I like to travel, I find more peace in simple things such as reading the newspaper in the morning and enjoying the evenings with my family in our home.

I get you :slight_smile: I can’t wait to get a little older then, even though I am not sure if I will be able to find peace only in the simple things, but I hope for that to be at least sometimes.

Everyone learns to value peaceful moments and relationships sooner or later. It will happen to you too, so don’t worry. Meanwhile, be responsible and do what you want, even if it involves risks.

It’s great to hear motivational words from you, Sawan. What were the best achievements or results after taking a huge risk in your life? Also, do you regret some times when you took risks that you should not have taken?

My best achievement has always been my family, and I put a lot of effort into making them happy.
Previously I used to regret a few childish risks, primarily impulsive, without any clear vision for how those risks could improve my future life. Most likely, it is good to avoid that type of risks.

I understand what you mean by taking risks without a clear purpose. I learned to avoid taking similar risks the hard way and still occasionally struggle. My friends don’t seem to have similar problems, so I believe people with OCD are more prone to taking stupid risks.

That’s true for sure. Our abnormal brain chemistry doesn’t allow us to see the complete picture often. Fortunately, we can work on it.

I tried to work on it but when I reflect I always see some extremely stupid actions I did for that time period. It feels like we need to take some supplements that will regulate that abnormal brain chemistry.

From my experience, medication works differently for everyone. But there are different kinds of medication, so there is a high chance something will work for most cases.

A few days ago, I watched a documentary about how tap water and bottled water are unsuitable for our overall health. Instead, we should use some ionization tools that change its molecules to prevent major diseases and disorders from happening.

That is very interesting to mention here. I know that tap water differs in quality from country to country, but I never thought it was healthy to drink in from there.

It is not healthy, and combined with other toxic additives in some foods, we are more than prone to get sick. But again, almost no one spreads awareness about those issues.

Well, imagine that the tapwater that is publicly labeled is unsuitable for consumption. People will start protesting and demanding better quality; the prices will rise because businesses will have to use additional equipment to clear the water for the food. The government doesn’t want chaos like this.

Fair enough, I get it. At least they keep some standards in most countries so that the water doesn’t make people sick. Not in the short term. But that’s not enough, and we all know it.

There is often news about contaminated tap water around certain areas, and it is not advisable to consume it for some time. Anyway, I think the topic of water and possible solutions are already discussed. Did you find more information about approaches that can reduce the feeling of guilt in people with OCD?

In my opinion, ERP is essential for learning to cope with guilt and distress. At least, the therapy helps people with OCD tolerate their feeling of guilt, shame, and everything in between fastly and efficiently.

I also have positive thoughts about ERP, even though mindfulness worked the best for me. I think everyone should find what is best for them because we all differ in our way of thinking and beliefs. What do you think?

I will likely agree with your thoughts, especially regarding conditions like this. I have learned that there is no universal recipe for healing and managing OCD. I wish everyone realizes it at the beginning of their treatment and does not have false expectations.