Tips to overcome OCD

That’s very challenging when I have all my emotions bubbling while challenged. I often cannot see the good sides even after some time since the situation. An old friend called me dumb a few months ago, and I still can’t forget it.

You need to calm down and keep yourself in that state. Taking things too personally will never make you a strong and forward-looking person. I understand that negative words, especially from a friend, are hurtful, but knowing your condition, your friend could pick their words more wisely.

Do you know a solution for fixing that character issue I have?

Yes, you must focus on your progress and ensure you don’t compare yourself to others. Your only task is to ensure you become a better version of yourself every day, week, or month. Going forward and seeing the results will naturally build your self-confidence and the ability to self-reflect.

Alright. I will apply some of your wisdom and see what happens. Is there something that I should avoid during this process?

When dealing with OCD or a similar disorder, your mind is your best friend and worst enemy. Thus, you should avoid self-sabotaging yourself by dwelling on similar thoughts. Also, avoid toxic people and those who trigger the worst in you, even if it’s a family member.

It hit me hard when you mentioned avoiding even toxic family members. I have one that is highly toxic for me, but I can’t avoid being around that person when I see other family members.

Unfortunately, it would be best to learn how to avoid that person. You can show them nonverbally that you don’t like interacting with them by not paying attention or talking to them. I know that it can be hard, but your mental health is more important.

Ok, I will try to do what you suggested, even though I still don’t have high hopes. Some people can’t stop getting into the personal space of others, no matter if they know they are not wanted …

Alriight. I think I understand now cause in my mind popped up an image of a family member who has no clue what personal space is. I couldn’t find any other solution than completely avoiding that family member, so I get you now.

I am glad you managed to get what I meant cause many of my friends don’t understand me simply because they haven’t been in a similar situation. So I won’t share that with others anymore.

I understand how you feel, and it’s okay to have experiences that others might not fully grasp. You can always share your thoughts and feelings here without judgment. I’m here to listen and offer support whenever you need it.

Aww, that’s so lovely. I am relatively content with myself now but once the doubts hit me I will share more of my heart.

Doubts do have their way of visiting, like uninvited guests. Remember, when they do arrive, sharing your feelings can be like releasing a pressure valve.

I do agree. No pressure anymore, I can cope with my symptoms and lead a healthy life :slight_smile:

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I sincerely wish you accomplish that, so I send tons of positive energy your way.

Thank you a lot, Joon. I send you too. :hugs: