OCD After Drinking

Maybe the most difficult was for me to learn how to control my emotions so that other people can’t read what I am thinking or predict my actions. It took me a few years to learn how to react calmly and cold-bloodedly to most events in life.

Some people can’t learn that all their life no matter with or without OCD :smiley:
You should be super proud of yourself. I am happy that I learned how to lose games calmly. :sweat_smile:

I never heard of someone who “learned” how to lose. Usually, those folks stay the same, no offense. :sweat_smile: However, if you stay even partly calm, that’s an outstanding achievement too.

Alright, you caught me. I am raging on the inside but stay almost calm on the outside, which is the most important, right? How do you accept losing, my dear average friend? :grinning:

Yes, I knew it. :sweat_smile: I am typically unhappy when I lose, but maybe I am just like the average people who take it way easier than those like you. Its great that you try to control yourself, so kudos for that.

Before, i was especially unhappy while I was drunk. You know, when people are drunk, they feel powerful and confident, so when it happened that I was losing a game, I was raging furiously. :grinning:

That situation should be so funny for those around you. If I were in your place, I would also limit my alcohol intake cause no one likes to be mocked afterward.

That’s the main reason I did limit my alcohol consumption. The tipping point was when I got recorded by a friend who sent the video to our group online. It was pretty embarrassing, and I had my OCD out of control for some days after that …

You got your lesson, right? :grinning: Please don’t tell me that more people saw it apart from the group members. If it were me, I would not drink anymore at all.

I don’t really know, but I prefer not to think about it anymore. :grinning: Not only those with OCD but others with other mood or mental issues should be very careful with alcohol and other opiates.

Certain substances can “unlock” specific mental issues among some people. Also, drinking alcohol from an early age can provoke or worsen existing mental problems. Thus, overall there should be more awareness about those topics.

Yeah, I’ve heard that mostly about hard drugs, but alcohol is also a mischievous substance. It keeps killing brain cells, inevitably worsening any existing mental condition.

I can attest that using alcohol to cope with my OCD symptoms is not a healthy or practical solution. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and can worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are commonly associated with OCD. Additionally, it can interfere with the effectiveness of medications and therapy, making it harder to manage symptoms in the long run.

The last point is spot on. When we take medication, we should not consume alcohol at all. Instead, we should focus on finding healthy coping mechanisms, such as therapy, mindfulness practices, and joining support groups.

That’s correct, but some alcohol in moderate quantities should be OK. After all, most social situations contribute to better well-being, and a sip now and then is just alright.

Cool, I tend to agree here. Moderation speaks for itself.

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