Is OCD an autoimmune condition?

You’ve captured it well. Wisdom indeed comes from the valuable insights gained through experiences, and it’s not solely tied to age.

Strangely, my wisdom is mainly acquired over the years. I think that I was oversaturated with experiences during my twenties but didn’t really understand the lessons, so age definitely plays a big role.

I see age does have a way of reshaping our perspective. Most likely, those overflowing experiences from your twenties, like puzzle pieces, gradually formed a clearer picture of life’s intricacies as time passed.

I felt it happened that way to me. Eventually, everything made sense, but some of my stupidity situations still stayed in my memory. That’s the hard part.

I understand how those lingering memories of challenging moments can be tough to handle. It’s important to recognize that our minds focus on negative experiences more than positive ones. In the context of OCD, these memories can feel more significant than they are. You should know that everyone has moments they might consider “stupid,” but they don’t define your worth or intelligence.

Maybe it will help if I write it down and put it as a wallpaper on my phone. I literally have a hard time obsessing about things that I’ve done.

I literally had notes about being positive and forgiving of myself for a long time. The sooner you start, the better.

Oh, it’s great to hear that from you. The only problem is sticking to a particular habit, but I can create a similar note. Thank you for the encouragement. :heartpulse:

Once you believe you can do it, you are halfway there, and once more people believe in you, you are nearly there. :heart:

Wow, I like how it sounds, and most importantly, it makes sense to me. :nerd_face:

I’m glad to hear that you resonate with the ideas we’ve discussed.

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