Movies with main characters who have OCD

I liked it, yes, so go on. :grin: Especially the third part, as I expected.
Unfortunately, there is no other movie on the topic of mental health and disorders I can recommend now except those mentioned above.

That’s awesome. I will watch it as well. I am not sure if I can recommend “The king of Staten island” cause I haven’t watched it yet, but I like the trailer. The main character has bipolar disorder.

I watched it a few months ago it wasn’t bad. I don’t like Pete Davidson in general, but the movie is a great project. :slight_smile:

I liked it as well, Felix. It is a good movie suggestion for our community here for sure. I dont remember if someone recommended “Brain on Fire (2017)” but it is a great one available on Netflix.

I haven’t heard about that one. I will check it out soon and leave a review. Are there any serials about OCD that you have heard about? I prefer watching serials overall.

The one I watched is called “Pure.” It’s about a young woman bombarded with intrusive sexual thoughts. I found it quite funny, but unfortunately, it’s only one season. I guess you will like it cause it has a good rating-

Oh, I would be interested in watching this. Pretty bad it’s only one season, as I prefer series with more seasons, but I will do it to educate myself more about OCD.

You check some of these out, then. The topics are not only about OCD but mental health in general. I believe some of those serials are with more seasons.

These look cool, and I would love to watch some of them. I have to say that I watched three series of Pure and quite like it so far. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t know how accurate it is regarding what the person with OCD might experience in real life.

Judging by my knowledge so far, the serial depicts OCD quite accurately. I am also glad you enjoyed something that I recommended. If you watch some of the above and like them, please write a comment so I can take a look, too.

I have watched “Normal people” and found it interesting as far as I remember. It can be particularly enjoyable for young people with mental issues who feel lost in their emotions. Surely, they can relate and get inspired by some changes.

Can some one help me find an OCD group support in Vero Beach please?

I searched and could not find a support group near Vero Beach. However, I stumbled upon this virtual OCD peer support group, and I think it might help you.

That’s a good suggestion, @garrywild. I haven’t heard about this online peer support group, but it looks exciting. I hope it could be of some use to Valjobst also.

I hope the group would be suitable for him/her. Let’s get back to the topic of movies. Have you watched something exciting recently?

I haven’t watched many movies in the last two weeks and definitely not related to the topic of OCD. However, you can watch some of those 100+ movies with the keyword “OCD.”

Thank you for the link, Joon. I have searched by keyword before but totally forgot about that option when searching for movies with OCD characters myself.

I also used to be quite ignorant about searching for information. However, nowadays its a shame to waste much time with so many tools and shortcuts available. I hope you found something that you havent watched yet.

Yeah, I found a few movies I haven’t watched and even heard about, but I didn’t have much time for them those days. I will update as soon as i watch something interesting.

Alright, then, I will share first that I loved the movie “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)” as it depicts various disorders people deal with in the same mental institution.